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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hair Loss and your Thyroid

Could Your Hair Loss be Caused by Your Thyroid?

The thyroid is a butterfly shapes gland located a the bottom of your next.  If your thryoid is malfunctioning it can cause, thinning of the hair or even hair loss.  If you have notice you hair becoming unusually dry or brittle it may be time to see you doctor.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What are Protective Styles?

What are protective styles?
Protective styles are any hair styles that protect your ends.  For example wearing you hair in a bun, French Roll or wigs.  Anything that keep the ends of you hair from rubbing on the back of your clothes, chair or anything else that may be damaging to your hair. 

Do protective styles really make your hair grow?
No, protective styles do not make yor hair grow.  What they do is protect the ends of your hair so that you can retain your growth.

Are weaves protective styles?
Some will disagree with me on this but I say no.  When you have a weave the wefts of weave are sown into the cornrolls on your own hair.  You hair is constantly being pulled by the weight of the weave hair and the stress you put on you natrual hair styling the weave.  Also you are more likely to neglect you own hair while wearing a weave.  Before I statred my hair journey I wore my hair in weaves for about 6 month.  I did not notice any real length retention, also my natural hair was damages and thinned out in some areas.

How often should I wear protective styles?
As often as you can.  The more you protect the ends of your hair the more length you'll retain.  Also your hair will look and feel healthier.  After wearing my hair in braids under my wigs for about six or seven month my grew hair about 3 inches.  Now my hair grows about 3 inches every 6 months. The difference was I was able to retain all three inches of grow and my hair was much longer.

What is the use of growing my hair out if I always have to keep it up in protective styles?
You don't always have to keep it in protective styles.  Just think of it like this, if you keep your hair in protective styles when you not doing any thing special like, grocery shopping, working out or just hanging around the house, when you really want to show it off, there will be alot more of it to show off:)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Black Women Need Sunscreen Too!

This not a hair blog but I feel the need to share.  Years ago my Mother told my to start wearing sunscreen.  I just laughed, I'm Black I have natural sunscreen.  Well she was right.  Ten years later I have freckles all over my face!  Not one or two but like one hundred.  The first couple were cute but this is getting out of hand.  We need sunscreen too.  Our skin can be damaged like and one elses.  Why don't I listen to my Mother?  That dang woman is always right!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Roller Set

I still love the roller set!

I tried my first roller set in a long time recently and it's great.  The roller set may add a few minutes to you nightly routine but the results are well worth it!  I have never had such beautiful curls with so much body.  I could spend the same amount of time curling my hair in the morning, as I do rolling at night, and my hair would never get the same result.  Using as little heat as possible has been a major part of my hair journey, the less heat, the less damage to my ends.  The ends are also wrapped up in beautiful curl giving them a little protection.  If you are looking for a "no heat" hair style, try the rollers.  I used good ole' sponge rollers because they are easy to sleep on.  You can wrap your sponge roller in papers if your worried about them damaging your hair.  I have natural hair (no perm) so I do my roller set on dry hair but if you have a perm try a wet set.  I know curling irons seem easier but there is nothing like beautiful hair:)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beverly Johnson Posted One of MY Videos on Her Facebook Page!

My Beverly Johnson Experience

I wear wigs alot :)  So I started doing vlogs on Youtube reviewing some of them.  One of the reviews I did was on the Beverly Johnson Pearl Synthetic Lace front wig.  It a really nice lace front in a blondish color, a real head turner.  Anyways, Thursday I got a message from a lady on youtbe telling me she's a fan of Beverly Johnson on Facebook and she put my video on her page.  I checked it out and it was really there.  I am still so excited.  I love Beverly Johnson, she is an icon.  It is three days later and I'm excited.  I'm not by any means the bigest hair guru on youtube so the honor is that much sweeter.  I'm sure I'll get over it soon but it's only been a couple of days bear with me LOL.

My Hair Journey

About 7 month ago I started paying closer attention to my hair.  My hair was a mess. I cut my hair to about shoulder lenght and started wearing protective styles almost all the time.  OMG my hair needed a rest, styling weaves and neglect left my end all messed up.  So I gave wigs a try and fell in love.  I love the versitility and all of the styles I am able to choose without damaging my own hair.  Now my hair has grown to about BSL but my love affair with wigs continues!