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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Lace Front Wigs the Secret is Out!

I remember about a year ago, I started wondering what type of weaves Black celebrities were wearing. I could not tell where their hair ended and the weave began. I knew they had to be wearing weaves or something. Everybody could not have mid back length hair all of a sudden. Then I started wondering if most Black celebrity women had found some sort of hair growth serum, because they all seemed to have long flawless hair. I started to do a little research and I found the full lace wig. Most cost over a thousand dollars at that time and could only be found on line. Well I had no intentions of spending a thousand dollar, so I started to look for alternatives and I found synthetic lace front wigs. They were selling for under $100 and nobody really knew what they were. I thought I was in wig heaven. The hairlines were not perfect but with bangs, very undetectable. Most of all no one was looking for a lace front wig. I soon found I was not the only person who knew about my secret. Ladies on Youtube were also wearing them and doing tutorials. I was so excited. I started watching and learning. Soon I found myself doing tutorial showing how I made my lace fronts look more natural. I felt like I was part of a "secret wig society". The best part about the lace wig was the "secret factor". Unfortunately that is all over. Lace fronts and full lace wigs are everywhere! I am glad more women have access to them but dang, I do not feel as comfortable wearing them. Dang:(

Friday, February 5, 2010

Relaxers are Just Easier!

If you think relaxers are easier and you're having trouble retaining length, this might be why. It is true relaxers may make detangling easier, but the easiness ends there. Relaxers make your hair straight by stripping the cuticle. This is the natural protection for your hair. If you relax, you must take extra measures to protect your hair. If you have a relaxer and have had a hard time retaining length, you are probably not giving you hair the extra care it needs. If you saw the movie "Good Hair" you saw what relaxer did to a soda can. I personally do not have one on my hair, but if you do and you are not ready for the "Big Chop" you should be treating you hair like silk. Make sure you only perm your new growth. I know that sounds dumb, everybody knows that. On more than on occasions I've seen people re relax their entire hair. Why would someone do that? When your hair is over processed it won’t get straight like it should. Many people feel like the answer to this problem is more relaxer. The best thing to do with hair that has been severely over processed is to cut it off. I know this sound harsh and most Black Women do not want to cut their hair. Once hair becomes too badly damaged no amount of conditioning will bring it back. In fact the damaged area will continue to split and damage the healthy area. Whether your hair is damaged or not it is essential you keep your ends clipped. I'm not talking about a massive hair cut every six week. The very ends are the oldest part of your hair and tend to be the most damaged. Clipping small amounts of the very ends can help you to retain your growth. Also if you have a perm you need to make sure your hair is getting the moister that it needs. I know some people think that grease is bad. I'm not telling you to get the "green" grease and put so much on your hair that you look like a wet dog. I'm say what ever moisturizer you like, use it. Black hair is naturally dry, that is one of the reasons we do not have to wash our hair as often as other races. For example Causation hair tends to produce a large amounts of oil. So ladies please moisturize. It will help to protect your hair especially if you have a relaxer. If you are having problems retaining length, you may want to consider what is called "texlaxing". Texlaxing is leaving some texture to you hair, not leaving the relaxer in your hair until the hair is bone straight. This will help to limit the damage you are doing to your hair. Last but not least, try to manipulate your hair less. Use wide tooth combs, wear protective styles (see What are Protective Styles?) and save wearing your hair down for special occasions. Just keeping your hands out of your hair can make a big difference. Think of your hair as a sofa, the more that sofa is used the more worn and damaged the material becomes, the same if true for your hair. So are relaxers really easier? I really don’t think so. Take care of your hair ladies:)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Natural Black Hair Styles for Little Girls

Black Girls Can Have Long Hair!

I was out with my 8 year old daughter the other day.  She received an award at school so I let her wear her hair down for the special event.  As we walked pass another little Black girl, I saw her just stare at my daughter's hair.  My heart went out to that little girl.  Her hair was over processed and pretty short. I felt bad because there is no reason that little girl's hair, should not look just like my daughter's hair.  My daughter does not have what other people consisder "good hair" and she doesn't have the longest hair.  Her hair is a 4a or 4b thick hair with very tight curls.  I wondered if that little girls Mother had been under the same pressure I had been under.  The pressure relax my daughter's hair.  People would always tell me "you should put a perm on that child's hair."   It's so funny because people never really said anything else about the way I was raising my baby.  I'm not saying if you put a relaxer on a girl's hair it won't grow.  I'm saying if I put a relaxer on my daughter hair it probably would not be the length it is today.  What do I think helped my daughter retain her length, protective styles, conditioning and just letting her hair, be her hair.  I always say, a relaxer is a long term commitment and that's a decision she will be able to make, when she's old enough.